Tuesday 3 April 2007

Being Global.


Local markets are no longer protected by trade barriers. Local economies are wooed by global players. Freedom of choice exercised by the customer drives marketing. Value creation and customer relationship management are new mantras for the long term sustainability of an Enterprise.

Local and export markets fuse to become Global. Supply Chain management transforms to become global Value Chains.

The old economy created its distinctive operating systems to define the strategy of the Enterprise. Responding to Change will not suffice. The Enterprise must become Change. Yesterday does not exist today. The Future interpolates into the Present.

Now Enterprises must look at themselves in the mirror through the eyes of the customer. Is your value proposition competitive against global offerings ? If yes, then the customer awaits you stretched all across the globe.

The Indian Enterprise is deleted. Welcome to the Global enterprise.

Globalisation has 2 players. The Shapers and Adapters. It is a great leveler and gives opportunity for a cottage enterprise in a remote part of the world to upload into the global marketplace and compete for a share of the mind space of the global customer. That is the Shaper. Those who still think of markets as domestic and export remain the Adaptors.

Marketing research gives meaning to global market networks, their intra and inter space. There is a dynamic flux of activity taking place here. Information and feedback loops, barter of goods and Money exist in a symbiotic relationship. Data overflow. Deciphering data to information and its finding meaning, the context, gives knowledge. Placing the enterprise in this network, responding to the changes in the network and creating value for stakeholders ensures long term sustainability.

Understanding networks requires new sciences born from conceptual science not broken down into cartesian sciences born in the industrial Age. Life sciences fuse with information technology to create cybernetics. Paradigm shifts bring forth the importance of chaos theory. An Eco
––spiritual world view breaks down hierarchical models to fractal structures. The Mandala. Processes and Activities at the unit level build a macro composite at the Enterprise level. Technology enables. People become the defining competitive advantage. Welcome to the world of Genetic Algorithms which use principles of mutation, selection and amplification to find solutions.

Strategy encourages dreaming. Concepting with a lateral mindset. Tap into the network and finding a space to call your node.


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